I had been working with this idea for a very long time. I believe my talent with art - crafts and music is a gift from God and I truly believe that He gives me the inspiration for the music I play, the jewelry I design and the crafts I do. My logo is an open heart; one part of the heart forms the letter 'C' the way I sign and the dove inside is the Holy Spirit. The open heart means the love and flowing out and expressed in whatever I do. I do draw and paint too so I did the initial drawing and sent it to my dad - who is a very professional fine artist and commercial artist and a gold medal winner - to perfect. He scanned it and emailedit back to me. I had a lot of learning to do so i could remove the scanned edge of the paper and get it transparent so only the drawing would be visible. I'm happy I was able to do it.
Here's a picture of the completed tag. I printed it out on my computer, it's on cream card and my favorite lettering and color- a deep wine color for my name 'CherieXpressions' . The idea for the name actually came when talking with a friend. Cherie is the name my family and friends have alwasys called me and Expressions covers anything in art - music, crafting, jewelry designing, etc - anything art I chose to do. The tags have my website (which I hope to get up and running soon), my blog and email and phone number. It's a double fold card so my jewelry can hang in between. Behind the front I've printed how to care for your jewelry.
Cherie, I did that bracelet with peyote. It's kind of a complicated pattern. It was a pattern that I purchased many years ago. Do you do peyote? Please go to my blog to my email and if you would like me to make your sister a bracelet, I would be more than happy to. Please send me an email so we can talk about it. I couldn't find your email on here or I would have sent you one on email.